Friday, June 17, 2011

My Nova Scotia

Just a quick note to say that I'm a newly minted blogger over at!

This blog network is basically a tourism tool for the province - local bloggers write about their adventures in Nova Scotia to educate people about the province, and hopefully to encourage them to visit! I love exploring where I live and sharing those explorations with people, so I can't wait to get started. This is brand, brand new so I haven't started posting yet, but keep your eyes peeled! I'll make sure to link to here whenever I post over there so you can keep up with my adventures, too (or at least try to - I'm pretty speedy).

You can check out my profile and posts here.

(in case you are curious, the photo is from a hiking trip in Porter's Lake, NS back in March on a trail system called Crowbar Lake. I know you were just dying to know...)

Speaking of this gig (and hiking in Nova Scotia), this weekend the boy and I are going to Five Islands provincial park to kick-off a fun NS Parks geocaching challenge. We will also be heading to Caribou/Munroe's Island Park to complete that portion of the challenge, and possibly camping there for the night (though they are predicting rain all day right now, grrr). This will probably be my first NS Blogs post, actually, though we shall see...I may be hanging out with a couple of gf's Saturday night (if we don't camp) and just getting some housekeeping thingy's done at home. Pretty easy, breezy weekend, nothing set in stone. Except, of course, rain (one thing I'm NOT so hot on re. living in NS right now).

Happy Weekend! Any fun plans?


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